omdl  v0.9.5
OpenSCAD Mechanical Design Library

Table data type and operations. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Tables:


file  table.scad
 Table data structure and operations.

Separate table data

function table_get_row_index (r, ri)
 Get the table row index that matches a table row identifier. More...
function table_get_row (r, ri)
 Get the table row that matches a table row identifier. More...
function table_get_column_index (c, ci)
 Get the table column index that matches a table column identifier. More...
function table_get_column (c, ci)
 Get the table column that matches a table column identifier. More...
function table_get_value (r, c, ri, ci)
 Get the table cell value for a specified row and column identifier. More...
function table_get_columns (r, c, ci)
 Form a list of a select column across all table rows. More...
function table_get (r, c, ri, ci)
 Get a row, a column, or a specific cell value from a table. More...
function table_get_row_ids (r)
 Form a list of all table row identifiers. More...
function table_get_column_ids (c)
 Form a list of all table column identifiers. More...
function table_exists (r, c, ri, ci)
 Test the existence of a table row identifier, table column identifier, or both. More...
function table_get_size (r, c)
 Get the size of a table. More...
function table_get_copy (r, c, rs, cs)
 Create a new matrix from select rows and columns of a table. More...
function table_get_sum (r, c, rs, cs)
 Sum select rows and columns of a table. More...
function table_errors (r, c)
 Perform basic format checks on a table and return errors. More...
module table_check (r, c, verbose=false)
 Perform basic format checks on a table and output errors to console. More...
module table_dump (r, c, rs, cs, number=true)
 Dump a table to the console. More...
module table_dump_getters (r, c, tr="table_rows", tc="table_cols", ri="ri", ci="ci", vri=false, vci=false, name="get_helper", append=false, comment=0, verbose=false)
 Dump table getter functions to the console. More...
module table_write (r, c, rs, cs, number=false, heading_id=true, heading_text=false, fs="^", thn="idx", index_tags=empty_lst, row_id_tags=["b"], value_tags=empty_lst)
 Write formatted map entries to the console. More...

Combined table data

function ctable_get (t, ri, ci)
 Get a row, a column, or a specific cell value from a table. More...
function ctable_exists (t, ri, ci)
 Test the existence of a table row identifier, table column identifier, or both. More...
function ctable_get_size (t)
 Get the size of a table. More...
function ctable_errors (t)
 Perform basic format checks on a table and return errors. More...

Detailed Description

Table data type and operations.

include <omdl-base.scad>;

The table functions were originally coded with the row and column data as separate parameters. Some equivalent functions are provided that accept the row and column data as a single combined parameter, where t = [r, c]; for convenience and are prefaced with the letter 'c'.

Table use script

include <omdl-base.scad>;
base_unit_length = "mm";
table_cols =
[ // id, description
["id", "row identifier"],
["ht", "head type [r|h|s]"],
["td", "thread diameter"],
["tl", "thread length"],
["hd", "head diameter"],
["hl", "head length"],
["nd", "hex nut flat-to-flat width"],
["nl", "hex nut length"]
table_rows =
[ // id, ht, td, tl, hd, hl, nd, nl
["m3r08r", "r", 3.000, 8.00, 5.50, 3.000, 5.50, length(1.00, "in")],
["m3r14r", "r", 3.000, 14.00, 5.50, 3.000, 5.50, length(1.25, "in")],
["m3r16r", "r", 3.000, 16.00, 5.50, 3.000, 5.50, length(1.50, "in")],
["m3r20r", "r", 3.000, 20.00, 5.50, 3.000, 5.50, length(1.75, "in")]
echo( "### table_check ###" );
table_check( table_rows, table_cols, true );
echo( "### table_dump ###" );
table_dump( table_rows, table_cols );
echo( "### table_get_value ###" );
m3r16r_tl = table_get_value( table_rows, table_cols, "m3r16r", "tl" );
echo ( m3r16r_tl=m3r16r_tl );
echo( "### table_exists ###" );
if ( table_exists( c=table_cols, ci="nl" ) )
echo ( "metric 'nl' available" );
echo ( "metric 'nl' not available" );
echo( "### table_get_row_ids ###" );
table_ids = table_get_row_ids( table_rows );
echo ( table_ids=table_ids );
echo( "### table_get_columns 'tl' ###" );
table_cols_tl = table_get_columns( table_rows, table_cols, "tl" );
echo ( table_cols_tl=table_cols_tl );
echo( "### table_get_copy ['tl, 'nl'] ###" );
tnew = table_get_copy( table_rows, table_cols, cs=["tl", "nl"] );
echo ( tnew=tnew );
echo( "### table_get_sum ['tl, 'nl'] ###" );
tsum = table_get_sum( table_rows, table_cols, cs=["tl", "nl"] );
echo ( tsum=tsum );
echo( "### table_dump_getters ###" );
table_dump_getters( r=table_rows, c=table_cols,
tr="table_rows", tc="table_cols",
ri="my_config", vri=true, name="get_my_value", comment=2 );
// end_include
function table_get_copy(r, c, rs, cs)
Create a new matrix from select rows and columns of a table.
function table_exists(r, c, ri, ci)
Test the existence of a table row identifier, table column identifier, or both.
module table_dump_getters(r, c, tr="table_rows", tc="table_cols", ri="ri", ci="ci", vri=false, vci=false, name="get_helper", append=false, comment=0, verbose=false)
Dump table getter functions to the console.
Definition: table.scad:767
function table_get_columns(r, c, ci)
Form a list of a select column across all table rows.
module table_check(r, c, verbose=false)
Perform basic format checks on a table and output errors to console.
Definition: table.scad:595
function table_get_sum(r, c, rs, cs)
Sum select rows and columns of a table.
function table_get_row_ids(r)
Form a list of all table row identifiers.
module table_dump(r, c, rs, cs, number=true)
Dump a table to the console.
Definition: table.scad:674
function table_get_value(r, c, ri, ci)
Get the table cell value for a specified row and column identifier.
function length(v, from=length_unit_default, to=length_unit_base, d=1)
Convert a value from from one units to another with dimensions.

Table use script output

ECHO: "### table_check ###"
ECHO: "[ INFO ] table_check(); begin table check"
ECHO: "[ INFO ] table_check(); row identifier found at column zero."
ECHO: "[ INFO ] table_check(); checking row column counts."
ECHO: "[ INFO ] table_check(); checking for repeat column identifiers."
ECHO: "[ INFO ] table_check(); checking for repeat row identifiers."
ECHO: "[ INFO ] table_check(); table size: 4 rows by 8 columns."
ECHO: "[ INFO ] table_check(); end table check"
ECHO: "### table_dump ###"
ECHO: ""
ECHO: "row: 0"
ECHO: "[m3r08r] [id] (row identifier) = [m3r08r]"
ECHO: "[m3r08r] [ht] (head type [r|h|s]) = [r]"
ECHO: "[m3r08r] [td] (thread diameter) = [3]"
ECHO: "[m3r08r] [tl] (thread length) = [8]"
ECHO: "[m3r08r] [hd] (head diameter) = [5.5]"
ECHO: "[m3r08r] [hl] (head length) = [3]"
ECHO: "[m3r08r] [nd] (hex nut flat-to-flat width) = [5.5]"
ECHO: "[m3r08r] [nl] (hex nut length) = [25.4]"
ECHO: ""
ECHO: "row: 1"
ECHO: "[m3r14r] [id] (row identifier) = [m3r14r]"
ECHO: "[m3r14r] [ht] (head type [r|h|s]) = [r]"
ECHO: "[m3r14r] [td] (thread diameter) = [3]"
ECHO: "[m3r14r] [tl] (thread length) = [14]"
ECHO: "[m3r14r] [hd] (head diameter) = [5.5]"
ECHO: "[m3r14r] [hl] (head length) = [3]"
ECHO: "[m3r14r] [nd] (hex nut flat-to-flat width) = [5.5]"
ECHO: "[m3r14r] [nl] (hex nut length) = [31.75]"
ECHO: ""
ECHO: "row: 2"
ECHO: "[m3r16r] [id] (row identifier) = [m3r16r]"
ECHO: "[m3r16r] [ht] (head type [r|h|s]) = [r]"
ECHO: "[m3r16r] [td] (thread diameter) = [3]"
ECHO: "[m3r16r] [tl] (thread length) = [16]"
ECHO: "[m3r16r] [hd] (head diameter) = [5.5]"
ECHO: "[m3r16r] [hl] (head length) = [3]"
ECHO: "[m3r16r] [nd] (hex nut flat-to-flat width) = [5.5]"
ECHO: "[m3r16r] [nl] (hex nut length) = [38.1]"
ECHO: ""
ECHO: "row: 3"
ECHO: "[m3r20r] [id] (row identifier) = [m3r20r]"
ECHO: "[m3r20r] [ht] (head type [r|h|s]) = [r]"
ECHO: "[m3r20r] [td] (thread diameter) = [3]"
ECHO: "[m3r20r] [tl] (thread length) = [20]"
ECHO: "[m3r20r] [hd] (head diameter) = [5.5]"
ECHO: "[m3r20r] [hl] (head length) = [3]"
ECHO: "[m3r20r] [nd] (hex nut flat-to-flat width) = [5.5]"
ECHO: "[m3r20r] [nl] (hex nut length) = [44.45]"
ECHO: ""
ECHO: "table size: 4 rows by 8 columns."
ECHO: "### table_get_value ###"
ECHO: m3r16r_tl = 16
ECHO: "### table_exists ###"
ECHO: "metric 'nl' available"
ECHO: "### table_get_row_ids ###"
ECHO: table_ids = ["m3r08r", "m3r14r", "m3r16r", "m3r20r"]
ECHO: "### table_get_columns 'tl' ###"
ECHO: table_cols_tl = [8, 14, 16, 20]
ECHO: "### table_get_copy ['tl, 'nl'] ###"
ECHO: tnew = [[8, 25.4], [14, 31.75], [16, 38.1], [20, 44.45]]
ECHO: "### table_get_sum ['tl, 'nl'] ###"
ECHO: tsum = [58, 139.7]
ECHO: "### table_dump_getters ###"
ECHO: "Checking table..."
ECHO: "// table value getter function, constant row ri=my_config."
ECHO: "function get_my_value(ci) = table_get_value (r=table_rows, c=table_cols, ri=my_config, ci=ci);"
ECHO: "id = get_my_value(ci="id"); // get ci="id" (row identifier) & ri=my_config."
ECHO: "ht = get_my_value(ci="ht"); // get ci="ht" (head type [r|h|s]) & ri=my_config."
ECHO: "td = get_my_value(ci="td"); // get ci="td" (thread diameter) & ri=my_config."
ECHO: "tl = get_my_value(ci="tl"); // get ci="tl" (thread length) & ri=my_config."
ECHO: "hd = get_my_value(ci="hd"); // get ci="hd" (head diameter) & ri=my_config."
ECHO: "hl = get_my_value(ci="hl"); // get ci="hl" (head length) & ri=my_config."
ECHO: "nd = get_my_value(ci="nd"); // get ci="nd" (hex nut flat-to-flat width) & ri=my_config."
ECHO: "nl = get_my_value(ci="nl"); // get ci="nl" (hex nut length) & ri=my_config."

Function Documentation

◆ ctable_errors()

function ctable_errors ( )

Perform basic format checks on a table and return errors.

t<datastruct-list-2> A list [<table>, <map>], [r, c], of the row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows) and column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
<list-N> A list of table format errors.

Check that: (1) the first table column identifier is 'id'. (2) Make sure that each row has the same number of columns as defined in the columns vector. (3) Make sure that there are no repeating column identifiers. (4) Make sure that there are no repeating row identifiers. When there are no errors, the empty_lst is returned.

◆ ctable_exists()

function ctable_exists ( ,
ri  ,

Test the existence of a table row identifier, table column identifier, or both.

t<datastruct-list-2> A list [<table>, <map>], [r, c], of the row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows) and column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
ri<string> The row identifier.
ci<string> The column identifier.
true if the specified row and/or column identifier exists, and false otherwise.

The functions can be used to check for a row or a column identifier alone, or can be use to check for the existence of a specific row and column combination.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ctable_get()

function ctable_get ( ,
ri  ,

Get a row, a column, or a specific cell value from a table.

t<datastruct-list-2> A list [<table>, <map>], [r, c], of the row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows) and column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
ri<string> The row identifier.
ci<string> The column identifier.
(1) <value> The value of the table cell [ri, ci] when both ri and ci are defined. (2) The row <list-R> when only ri is defined. (3) The column <list-C> when only ci is defined. (4) Returns undef when the specified row or column identifier is not present in the table or when both are undefined.

This function combines the behavior of several other table access functions dependent on the supplied parameters.


rows = table_get( r, c, ri );
cols = table_get( r, c, ci=ci );
cell = table_get( r, c, ri, ci );
function table_get(r, c, ri, ci)
Get a row, a column, or a specific cell value from a table.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ctable_get_size()

function ctable_get_size ( )

Get the size of a table.

t<datastruct-list-2> A list [<table>, <map>], [r, c], of the row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows) and column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
<integer> The table size.

The size is reported as: (1) The number of rows when only the r parameter is specified. (2) The number of columns when only the c parameter is specified. (3) The (r * columns) when both parameters are specified.

◆ table_check()

module table_check ( ,
verbose  = false 

Perform basic format checks on a table and output errors to console.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
verbose<boolean> Be verbose during check.

Check that: (1) the first table column identifier is 'id'. (2) Make sure that each row has the same number of columns as defined in the columns vector. (3) Make sure that there are no repeating column identifiers. (4) Make sure that there are no repeating row identifiers.

Definition at line 594 of file table.scad.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_dump()

module table_dump ( ,
rs  ,
cs  ,
number  = true 

Dump a table to the console.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
rs<string-list> A list of selected row identifiers.
cs<string-list> A list of selected column identifiers.
number<boolean> Number the rows.

Output each table row to the console. To output only select rows and columns, assign the desired identifiers to rs and cs. For example to output only the column identifiers 'c1' and 'c2', assign cs = ["c1", "c2"].

Definition at line 673 of file table.scad.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ table_dump_getters()

module table_dump_getters ( ,
tr  = "table_rows",
tc  = "table_cols",
ri  = "ri",
ci  = "ci",
vri  = false,
vci  = false,
name  = "get_helper",
append  = false,
comment  = 0,
verbose  = false 

Dump table getter functions to the console.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
tr<string> The table row data matrix variable name.
tc<string> The table column identifier matrix variable name.
ri<string | value> The row identifier variable name or value.
ci<string | value> The column identifier variable name or value.
vri<boolean> The row identifier ri is a value.
vci<boolean> The column identifier ci is a value.
name<string> The getter function name.
append<boolean> Append id to names.
comment<integer> Output comment mode {0, 1, 2}.
verbose<boolean> Be verbose.

Output getter functions for a table to the console. The resulting functions can be used within scripts to access table data.


r=my_config_tr, c=my_config_tc, tr="my_config_tr", tc="my_config_tc",
ri="my_config", vri=true, name="my_get_function", comment=2

Definition at line 766 of file table.scad.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ table_errors()

function table_errors ( ,

Perform basic format checks on a table and return errors.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
<list-N> A list of table format errors.

Check that: (1) the first table column identifier is 'id'. (2) Make sure that each row has the same number of columns as defined in the columns vector. (3) Make sure that there are no repeating column identifiers. (4) Make sure that there are no repeating row identifiers. When there are no errors, the empty_lst is returned.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_exists()

function table_exists ( ,
ri  ,

Test the existence of a table row identifier, table column identifier, or both.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
ri<string> The row identifier.
ci<string> The column identifier.
true if the specified row and/or column identifier exists, and false otherwise.

The functions can be used to check for a row or a column identifier alone, or can be use to check for the existence of a specific row and column combination.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_get()

function table_get ( ,
ri  ,

Get a row, a column, or a specific cell value from a table.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
ri<string> The row identifier.
ci<string> The column identifier.
(1) <value> The value of the table cell [ri, ci] when both ri and ci are defined. (2) The row <list-R> when only ri is defined. (3) The column <list-C> when only ci is defined. (4) Returns undef when the specified row or column identifier is not present in the table or when both are undefined.

This function combines the behavior of several other table access functions dependent on the supplied parameters.


rows = table_get( r, c, ri );
cols = table_get( r, c, ci=ci );
cell = table_get( r, c, ri, ci );

◆ table_get_column()

function table_get_column ( ,

Get the table column that matches a table column identifier.

c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
ci<string> The column identifier.
<list-2> The table column where the column identifier exists. If the identifier does not exists, returns undef.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_get_column_ids()

function table_get_column_ids ( )

Form a list of all table column identifiers.

c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
<list> The list of all column identifiers.

This functions assumes the first element of each table column to be the column identifier.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_get_column_index()

function table_get_column_index ( ,

Get the table column index that matches a table column identifier.

c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
ci<string> The column identifier.
<integer> The column index where the identifier exists. Returns undef if the identifier does not exists.

◆ table_get_columns()

function table_get_columns ( ,

Form a list of a select column across all table rows.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
ci<string> The column identifier.
<list> The list of a select column across all rows. If the identifier does not exists, returns undef.

◆ table_get_copy()

function table_get_copy ( ,
rs  ,

Create a new matrix from select rows and columns of a table.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
rs<string-list> A list of selected row identifiers.
cs<string-list> A list of selected column identifiers.
<matrix> A matrix of the selected rows and columns.

◆ table_get_row()

function table_get_row ( ,

Get the table row that matches a table row identifier.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
ri<string> The row identifier.
<list-C> The table row where the row identifier exists. If the identifier does not exists, returns undef.

◆ table_get_row_ids()

function table_get_row_ids ( )

Form a list of all table row identifiers.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
<list> The list of all row identifiers.

This functions assumes the first element of each table row to be the row identifier, as enforced by the table_check(). As an alternative, the function table_get_columns(), of the form table_get_columns(r, c, id), may be used without this assumption.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_get_row_index()

function table_get_row_index ( ,

Get the table row index that matches a table row identifier.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
ri<string> The row identifier.
<integer> The row index where the identifier exists. Returns undef if the identifier does not exists.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_get_size()

function table_get_size ( ,

Get the size of a table.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
<integer> The table size.

The size is reported as: (1) The number of rows when only the r parameter is specified. (2) The number of columns when only the c parameter is specified. (3) The (r * columns) when both parameters are specified.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_get_sum()

function table_get_sum ( ,
rs  ,

Sum select rows and columns of a table.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
rs<string-list> A list of selected row identifiers.
cs<string-list> A list of selected column identifiers.
<list> A list with the sum of each selected rows and columns.

◆ table_get_value()

function table_get_value ( ,
ri  ,

Get the table cell value for a specified row and column identifier.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
ri<string> The row identifier.
ci<string> The column identifier.
<value> The value of the table cell [ri, ci]. If either identifier does not exists, returns undef.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ table_write()

module table_write ( ,
rs  ,
cs  ,
number  = false,
heading_id  = true,
heading_text  = false,
fs  = "^",
thn  = "idx",
index_tags  = empty_lst,
row_id_tags  = ["b"],
value_tags  = empty_lst 

Write formatted map entries to the console.

r<table> The table row data matrix (C-columns x R-rows).
c<map> The table column identifier matrix (2 x C-columns).
rs<string-list> A list of selected row identifiers.
cs<string-list> A list of selected column identifiers.
number<boolean> Number the rows.
heading_id<boolean> Output table heading identifiers.
heading_text<boolean> Output table heading description text.
fs<string> A field separator.
thn<string> Column heading for numbered row output.
index_tags<string-list> List of html formatting tags.
row_id_tags<string-list> List of html formatting tags.
value_tags<string-list> List of html formatting tags.

Output each table row to the console. To output only select rows and columns, assign the desired identifiers to rs and cs. For example to output only the column identifiers 'c1' and 'c2', assign cs = ["c1", "c2"]. The output can then be processed to produce documentation tables as shown in the example below.

Table write script

include <omdl-base.scad>;
base_unit_length = "mm";
table_cols =
[ // id, description
["id", "row identifier"],
["ht", "head type"],
["td", "thread diameter"],
["tl", "thread length"],
["hd", "head diameter"],
["hl", "head length"],
["nd", "nut width"],
["nl", "nut length"]
table_rows =
[ // id, ht, td, tl, hd, hl, nd, nl
["m3r08r", "r", 3.000, 8.00, 5.50, 3.000, 5.50, length(1.00, "in")],
["m3r14r", "r", 3.000, 14.00, 5.50, 3.000, 5.50, length(1.25, "in")],
["m4r16s", "s", 4.000, 16.00, 4.50, 4.000, 5.50, length(1.50, "in")],
["m5r20h", "h", 5.000, 20.00, 6.00, 5.000, 5.50, length(1.75, "in")]
map_write(table_cols, value_tags=["i"]);
table_write(table_rows, table_cols);
// end_include
module map_write(m, ks, sort=false, number=false, fs="^", thn="idx", index_tags=empty_lst, key_tags=["b"], value_tags=empty_lst)
Write formatted map entries to the console.
Definition: map.scad:672
module table_write(r, c, rs, cs, number=false, heading_id=true, heading_text=false, fs="^", thn="idx", index_tags=empty_lst, row_id_tags=["b"], value_tags=empty_lst)
Write formatted map entries to the console.
Definition: table.scad:1183

Table write script output

ECHO: "key^value"
ECHO: "<b>id</b>^<i>row identifier</i>^"
ECHO: "<b>ht</b>^<i>head type</i>^"
ECHO: "<b>td</b>^<i>thread diameter</i>^"
ECHO: "<b>tl</b>^<i>thread length</i>^"
ECHO: "<b>hd</b>^<i>head diameter</i>^"
ECHO: "<b>hl</b>^<i>head length</i>^"
ECHO: "<b>nd</b>^<i>nut width</i>^"
ECHO: "<b>nl</b>^<i>nut length</i>^"
ECHO: "id^ht^td^tl^hd^hl^nd^nl"
ECHO: "<b>m3r08r</b>^r^3^8^5.5^3^5.5^25.4^"
ECHO: "<b>m3r14r</b>^r^3^14^5.5^3^5.5^31.75^"
ECHO: "<b>m4r16s</b>^s^4^16^4.5^4^5.5^38.1^"
ECHO: "<b>m5r20h</b>^h^5^20^6^5^5.5^44.45^"

Table write table

idrow identifier
hthead type
tdthread diameter
tlthread length
hdhead diameter
hlhead length
ndnut width
nlnut length

Table write table


Definition at line 1182 of file table.scad.

+ Here is the call graph for this function: