omdl  v0.9.5
OpenSCAD Mechanical Design Library

System and program limits. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for System:


 number_max = 1e308
 <decimal> The largest representable number in OpenSCAD scripts.
 number_min = -1e308
 <decimal> The smallest representable number in OpenSCAD scripts.
 number_inf = 1/0
 The OpenSCAD inf value (infinity).
 number_nan = 0/0
 The OpenSCAD nan value (not a number).
 empty_str = ""
 <string> A string with no characters (the empty string).
 empty_lst = []
 <list> A list with no values (the empty list).
 grid_coarse = 0.001
 OpenSCAD coarse grid limit.
 grid_fine = 0.000001
 OpenSCAD fine grid limit.

Detailed Description

System and program limits.

include <omdl-base.scad>;